NDP MPP says well-designed basic income could result in better care of aging parents
Ontario MPP, France Gélinas, says a well-designed basic income policy could help women stay home ... Read More » -
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P.E.I. Green Party leader: Look beyond economic measurements for full benefits of Basic Income
Basic Income/Healthy Communities
Progressives must define the basic income we want
Until recently, Canadian austerity proponents have not paid a lot of attention to basic income. ... Read More » -
DiNovo says Basic Income must work in tandem with new workplace standards
The nature of work and how we define ourselves is now in question: Opposition MPP
John A. Macdonald would have supported a Basic Income policy
Kingston group kick-starts national letter writing campaign to Duclos on Basic Income
A basic income guarantee: Time to separate work from having a secure income
One of the biggest worries about adopting a Basic Income Guarantee in Canada is its so-called ‘work disincentive.’Read More » -
Politics and policy: Basic income in real life
Moving to an entrepreneurial society with basic income improves capitalism
Building ‘social solidarity’ with basic income: Elaine Power
Don’t let this Ontario basic income pilot gather dust