Unanimous approval of prime ministers statue project in Waterloo Region


The Council for the Township of Wilmot voted in unanimous support of the Canada’s Past Prime Ministers Statue Project at a recent Council meeting.  During the meeting all members of Council spoke in favour of the project and how it would enhance the Township of Wilmot property located at 60 Snyder’s Road West in Baden.

Mayor Les Armstrong says “The Council of The Township of Wilmot, in its wisdom, made the unanimous decision to accept Createscape Waterloo Region’s Past Prime Ministers Statue Project on the municipal grounds adjacent to its administration building and Castle Kilbride located in Baden.”

“We look forward to seeing the statues of the former Prime Ministers of Canada over the next few years as their rebirth occurs through the hands of Wilmot’s own sculptor, Ruth Abernethy, and other artists nation-wide,” says the mayor.

The report before Council cited the following factors in recommending this location for the project:

  • the tie-in of the existing National Historic Site and tourist attraction of Castle Kilbride
  • James Livingston, the owner of Castle Kilbride,  was a former federal member of parliament
  • the Township is a local government office
  • the additional project would serve to enhance  the existing attraction by adding value of a historical, cultural,  educational and heritage nature
  • the project is befitting as the Township of Wilmot’s patriotic contribution to the celebration of Canada’s sesquicentennial
  • the project is in line with the Township’s strategic plan

Wilmot residents Jim Rodger and Dave Caputo are the two Co-Chairs for Createscape Waterloo Region.  The first statue in the series, Sir John A. Macdonald, was created by one of Wilmot’s own local artists, Ruth Abernethy.

The project will be funded by private donations, organized and managed by Createscape Waterloo Region in addition to funding by ongoing applicable senior levels of government.